Account Setup
Last updated
Last updated
Upon loading Bonfire Builder, creators will be presented with a Login Screen, as pictured below.
Enter the username and password and click the 'Login' button if registered. To have Bonfire remember your credentials for future sessions, select the 'Remember Me?' checkbox.
If you forget your password, click the 'Forgot password?' link to the password recovery screen.
Enter the Account Email (username) from this screen and click the 'Send Recovery Email' button.
After clicking the 'Send Recovery Email' button, Bonfire will send an email with a verification code. Enter the verification code in the screen's 'Verification Code' field. If the verification code is correct, creators will be prompted to enter a new password.
To register for the first time, click the 'Need an account?' link directly below the Username textbox. After clicking the link, creators will be taken to the account creation screen.
Enter all the information on the form and click the 'Register' button. A message will appear above the 'Register' button if Bonfire cannot register an account. After successfully registering, creators will be presented with the Login screen.
New accounts come with a 180-day "Early Access" license. Troubleshooting license issues may require creators to create a support ticket via the support portal located at